Each product that is added to the cart will be stored in the top right corner of our website labeled “Cart”.Following this step, you will be prompted to a pop-up screen where you can adjust the quantity and then “Add To Cart.” From this screen, you can choose which products you want to reserve online by simply clicking on the “Reserve Online” button below each product.There will be an array of products displayed specifically highlighting all “hybrid” products. Simply click on “Hybrid” and you will be prompted to the page highlighted below. Let’s say, hypothetically, that you are interested in reserving a hybrid strand.From there you will be prompted to our menu highlighting all types of products that we offer to reserve online.Start by accessing our Menu by clicking the “Order” tab in the top right corner of our website.(Of course, pickup is only offered during our store hours.) Here is a step-by-step process to ensure you place your order online without any fuss. The process is simple and can be done from the comfort of your couch, at all hours of the day.
To stand behind this mantra, our online ordering system is built specifically for customers in mind enabling them to reserve products and have them ready for in-store pick up right when they step into our door. Ensuring our customers have a positive shopping experience is always at the forefront and we are constantly making improvements to help achieve that. At Trove Cannabis we strive to deliver an excellent customer experience every step of the way.